Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Afterlives - A Ticking Clock I Couldn't Stop

So what if I am a sucker for enemieslist bands. 

This is the debut Afterlives album. One guy recording these awesome ambient/lo-fi tracks out of his home. Droney and emotional and super impressive. I really like this record.

After a super busy past few weeks of moving and school and work and house sitting and unpacking and cleaning, spending this morning laying in bed listening to this and relaxing felt really wonderful. 

Ever The Optimist and Still Lakes are so awesome. 

Track1-All Teeth
Track2-Ever The Optimist
Track3-Sunderban Tigers
Track4-Still Lakes
Track5-I Am The Heroic
Track7-Distance Runner
Track8-Snake Swallows Tail
Track9-Bright Shimmering Lights

download here

The album is currently sold out on, but if you wanna support the artist, check back over the next few weeks for a digital download for a mere 5 bucks.

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