Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Moscow Olympics - Cut the World

If you love New Order, you will love Moscow Olympics. 


track1- what is left unsaid
track2- no winter, no autumn
track3- second trace
track4- safe
track5- carolyn
track6- ocean sign
track7- cut the world

download here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Death In August

Death In August is a photo zine my friend Nelson put together featuring photos taken by him and myself. The zine is free to those who follow either of our blogs. If you would like one, please follow the steps below:

step1- follow our blogs, dick.

step2- send nelson a message here - tombwithaview OR leave me a comment with your mailing address that I will leave unmoderated for your precious privacy. 

step3 - wait patiently

thank you.