Saturday, April 2, 2011

Timber Timbre - Cedar Shakes

If anyone still checks this blog, I apologize for my lack of posting. I always say I am going to post more and I really should. I have no good excuse for not doing it. I want to say I am so busy with school and work that I just don't have the time, but I'd be lying. The time I spend looking at Facebook and bow ties for cats I could easily be posting albums to share and I just am not. 
In other news, hopefully everyone caught Des Ark and Pygmy Lush on tour, and if they haven't come to your city yet, GO! The show here was incredible. One of the best I have seen in a very long time. 
So if anyone is still reading/following this, my sincere apologies. Give me another chance? 

Maybe it's because I grew up with a bluegrass musician for a father and a folk music connoisseur for a mother, but something about banjos and folk music is incredibly comforting for me. And this album breaks my heart a little bit.
Timber Timbre is a folk trio from Canada that plays spooky, heartbreaking (see above) folk music and this is their first record from 2006. Think Black Heart Procession meets Dead Man's Bones. I think it's pretty great. 
Makes me want to live in a cabin in the woods and have a barefooted baby. 
kind of. 

track1-black creek drive
track2-each good house
track3-i'm a long way
track4-it's only dark
track5-as angels do
track6-cedar shakes
track9-so much

download here